Monday, September 30, 2024

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'Get a life'

Michigan Republican Party's request to bring charges against Michael Moore is frivolous

In a twisted attempt to steal some spotlight, the Michigan Republican Party is asking prosecutors in Ingham, Wayne, Antrim and Isabella counties to file criminal charges of voter fraud against filmmaker Michael Moore. In his visit to MSU and several other locations around the state, Moore handed out noodles and underwear to students in exchange for their vows to vote on Nov. 2 for whomever they support.

To the Michigan Republican Party: Get a life. In all honesty, do the Republicans have nothing better to do than try and stop Moore's agenda by wasting the time of the criminal justice system? If they want to do something productive with their time, then they should be working to campaign for President Bush, not trying to send Moore to prison. With the election drawing near, the energy of the Republican Party needs to be focused on re-electing its man - not attacking an ally of the left. Bringing criminal charges of voter fraud to someone encouraging civic duty is not only a waste of time, it's character suicide for the Michigan GOP.

This hasn't been a stellar re-election campaign for the Michigan Republicans. Signing petitions without conscience in the name of bringing Ralph Nader to the state ticket was as slimy as it gets. Legal, yes, just as their right to press charges against Moore are. But conscientious? Or a constructive effort to promote Republican ideals? Neither.

While the Republicans may feel what they are doing is just, they are going about it the wrong way. If a person or organization wants to bring charges against another party, it is done through the police first, then a county prosecutor. Shouldn't the people who preach to live by the law be following it?

In short, the Republican party needs to find something better to do with its time. Trying to send Moore to prison does accomplish one thing, though. Moore gets his name in headlines during the DVD release of "Fahrenheit 9/11." We're sure Moore thanks you, Michigan GOP, for boosting his sales.


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