Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Word on the street

Do you believe this is a "high-stakes" election, or is it just campaign rhetoric?

"It's high stakes in that if Bush wins, we'll keep fighting this war. The lives of our citizens are only at stake when people can't afford health care. Bush is trying to defend the position he's taken in starting this war and convincing people there's a lot at stake, while he covers up that he hasn't done anything to better America."

Erin Slee
psychology junior

"I don't feel it's high stake. You're getting pretty much the same argument from either campaign. They keep doing the negative ads instead of just saying what they're going to do."

Jessica Reif
botany senior

"It's a lot of rhetoric because they're both going to do pretty much the same thing. The war on terror will continue, the troops will still be in Iraq. The economy is about the only thing that might change."

Trent Housler
geography junior

"It's just excellent PR. The issues are clear: The war on terror is like the war on drugs- it's something that's not going to stop. No one cares about the federal deficit, they just focus on Iraq."

Perry Jacob
Cooley Law School student


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