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Vote for rights

Michigan Marriage Amendment serves only as giant step backward in state social history

Visiting loved ones in the hospital during emergencies, inheriting money or property after the death of a spouse and retaining custody of children are inherent rights that no law-abiding citizen of our state should be without. Regrettably, though, this November will feature an amendment to our state Constitution that would strip those rights from Michigan citizens.

Putting an amendment on the ballot that would take rights away from Michiganians would be an unfortunate first for our state. Generally, Michigan has moved toward the expansion of rights. The Michigan Marriage Amendment would do exactly the opposite, which is exactly why we encourage you to vote against it.

In a perfect world, banning gay marriage would never appear on a ballot. The responsibility or opportunity to enact politically sanctioned discrimination against others hardly seems up for popular vote. Civil rights should be absolute, and continued work to keep them infallible should never cease.

It isn't proven that domestic partner benefits would evaporate if a ban is enacted. Judicial interpretation of the ban, as it's played out in courts, however, could backslide and knock rights away. The ban has the potential to create a second-class group of citizens, diminished as humans in the eyes of the law.

If they can, those who support the ban on gay marriage should prove that heterosexual marriages will face actual harm. So far, nothing has been broadcast but speculation. The high divorce rate in our country already disregards the alleged sanctity of the institution. Voting based solely on emotion, rather than knowledge, is a reckless practice.

The contention over gay marriage could be all a game of semantics on both sides, liberal and conservative. Marriage in name is marriage in practice, regardless of politics. Marriage is the union of a couple rooted on commitment, not gender.

Bringing in Judeo-Christian values to refuse Michiganians the equality they deserve and are provided under the U.S. Constitution represents a hugely questionable fusion of church and state. History has shown that a secular government is the blueprint for modern democracy, and the apparent need to revoke that logic is simply not there.

Institutionally, The State News has long opposed any roadblock to same-sex couples receiving the full benefits that heterosexual couples enjoy. A ban on gay marriage and the possible repercussion of reduced domestic partner benefits are not only black marks on Michigan's record of equality and justice, they threaten the livelihood of people you might know.

MSU is among the public institutions mindful enough to extend benefits to gay couples. It is only one aspect of our pride in our university, but it is important nevertheless. Blatantly, the Michigan Marriage Amendment could affect the life of someone you know for the worse.

The approval of the Michigan Marriage Amendment would be a backward step in Michigan history. This November, please cast an emphatic "No" against the Michigan Marriage Amendment.


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