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Twin mistake

Bush daughters miss opportunity by limiting stump appearance to registered Republicans

Preaching to the choir isn't only a waste of time, it's an ineffective campaign tactic.

Jenna and Barbara Bush spoke at the Union on Thursday to Students for Bush and College Republicans throughout the state. The event was the twins' first student-oriented event during their current seven-week tour.

One of the points that they stressed on the tour was that the qualities that make President Bush a great father also make him a great president. Jenna said those qualities include his passion and integrity, open-mindedness, being down-to-earth and having a great sense of humor.

Although the entire tour is aimed at helping their father get re-elected, their stop at MSU held a slightly different significance.

"When they told their parents they wanted to campaign, they said they wanted to thank volunteers who have supported their parents," said Susan Whitson, the twins' spokeswoman. "They also wanted to encourage young voters to get out and vote."

At a time when a large portion of Americans find themselves undecided as to whether they will vote Democrat or Republican, the twins' MSU visit would've been better spent convincing undecided voters that they should vote for Bush. Instead, the invitation-only event sent the message that not everyone is welcome in the Bush administration.

Saying their job is to encourage young voters to hit the polls, yet only attempt this in front of registered Republicans is a contradiction in terms. Of course, should the Kerry daughters make the same college circuit in front of invite-only crowds, the criticism remains the same.

While quid pro quo, the act of helping those who help you is practically a way of life these days. One must be careful that in helping others they don't disadvantage themselves. Reaching out to a group of Republicans that already plan to vote for Bush is a nice gesture, but it's hardly an effective one.


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