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Recent campus attacks discussed at meeting

September 29, 2004

About 30 students met Monday evening in the basement of the Union to generate discussion about the sexual assault cases on campus this semester.

The meeting focused on how the administration, faculty and media are handling the assaults.

"We want to make sure people can talk about their feelings about the rapes, about the administration and the media response, as well as actions people can take so they feel empowered," said Kim Drotar, social relations senior and Women's Council director.

English junior Veronica Fitzpatrick and interdisciplinary studies in social science junior Melissa Siemasz said they came to the meeting because they were concerned about the recent attacks and they wanted to see how other students were reacting to the assaults.

"It's nice to know that others are thinking about the issue, too," Fitzpatrick said.

Members of the media were not admitted into the meeting.

Information about the meeting was sent out to various campus listservs by "" A message inquiring about the organization was not returned Tuesday.

Drotar said the meeting "went really well," and there was good discussion between attendees. She said a main concern for the participants, which included a few men, was the prevalence of a rape culture at MSU.

"The fact that we live in a community of young people leads to the perpetuation of rape myths," Drotar said. "Setting that tone helps set the environment for rapes to occur in.

"We talked about the ways this happens and things that could be done about it."

She said she would like to see a mandatory education program put in place to talk about what a sexual assault is, including legal definitions and a forum to dispel myths.

Drotar said she left with a positive feeling and the group is planning future meetings. The next meeting is scheduled for 9 p.m. Thursday in the Union cafeteria, and is open to "any student who can approach the topic with sensitivity - that can come and create a discussion," she said.

This semester, eight criminal sexual assaults have been reported, including a Sept. 12 assault that was reported last weekend. In 2003, 10 sexual assaults were reported.

MSU police Sgt. Florene McGlothian-Taylor said no further details on the assaults are available.

The State News is in the process of obtaining the sexual assault police reports through Michigan's Freedom of Information Act.

Anti-rape spray paintings have also appeared around campus, with messages such as "Alcohol is not consent," and "No means no."

Women's Council co-president Anne Bresler said Women's Council is not claiming responsibility for the spray paintings.

"We agree with sentiment, but not actual execution," Bresler said. "It was definitely not us."


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