Monday, September 30, 2024

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Peace plane

Deportation of Yusuf Islam implies that no-fly list does more discrimination than protection

The no-fly list is not being used as effective terrorism prevention. It is instead being used as a form of discrimination.

Yusuf Islam, the singer formerly known as Cat Stevens, bore witness to that Thursday when he was denied entry into the United States from aboard a United Airlines flight to Washington, D.C. from London.

Islam said he was amused, yet confused and angered. We have to agree, especially the latter emotion. Granted, there may be certain lascivious details of Islam's life that aren't up for disclosure, and for that his appearance on the no-fly list may be warranted. But here is what the world knows about the man known once known as Cat Stevens - he wrote the song "Peace Train," devoted his life to peace charities and was accompanied on the flight by his 21-year-old daughter.

Until homeland security officials provide a valid, convincing reason as to why Islam was deported, we find his only crime to be flying while Muslim.

Our intelligence community - loosely named, to be sure - said they have recently obtained information about Islam that "further heightens concern." A report that appeared in Wednesday's USA Today said undercover investigators were able to sneak and conceal weapons and explosives past 15 airport security checkpoints. That "heightens concern," as well. The choice of which you'd rather have on your airplane becomes simple - a famous singer-songwriter or plastic explosives, take your choice.

While there isn't any proof that Islam is not a terrorist, there hasn't been enough information released to signify that he is, either. If the government thought he had terrorist ties, they should have stopped him before he got on the plane. Instead, they let him onto U.S. soil, thus defeating the list's purpose in the first place.

The no-fly list was originally intended to prevent potential terrorists from gaining entry into the United States, but it seems as though it's being used to stop people from flying while Muslim. Homeland security does not legitimize discrimination.


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