Monday, September 30, 2024

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Open seats

Positions open for student liaison committee to E.L. city council; apathetic need not apply

Three MSU students now have the chance to make East Lansing a more pleasant place to live.

The University Student Commission, a student-oriented commission, works as a liaison to the East Lansing City Council. Their job is to express the student voice concerning city policy, ordinances and every other conceivable action of the city council. Their committee usually seats 11 members. Three of those seats are up for grabs to students unaffiliated with campus organizations. Deputy City Manager Jean Golden said this committee exists to improve city and student relations.

Based on the current climate in this town, it must be a work in progress.

Perhaps the University Student Commission hasn't been direct enough in addressing the actual concerns of MSU students when communicating with East Lansing government. Perhaps the East Lansing City Council created a token committee with no real power or voice. Either way, if there's a student committee that's at work to improve relations with the city, communication must be at a bit of an impasse.

But these three applicants have an opportunity to shake things up. This committee has existed for seven years, in that time seeing restrictive noise ordinances and redevelopment plans sweep the city and sour our opinion of East Lansing. As if it were a surprise, the "permanent" East Lansing thinks to the contrary.

To make any positive change between students and the city, these three applicants need to have the fiery activism and disdain for the status quo that is necessary to spur any constructive communication. We know the city is unhappy, but the city knows that students feel the same. If we don't yell loudly enough, they won't hear us.


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