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Fightin' prices

Tickets to Saturday's matchup against Notre Dame worth much more than monetary value

Our obsession with the almighty dollar has us pimping ourselves to make a profit.

Saturday's sold-out football game against Notre Dame has ticket-scalpers raising prices for fans willing to overpay to get a piece of the action, the Lansing State Journal reported Tuesday. Professionals are gouging professionals, and worse - students are gouging students.

The added excitement has made it easier for scalpers to raise prices, which now are around $100 each and can only expect to increase. A group set of four tickets, for instance, was sold on eBay for $499 on Monday, a price far above the fee students pay to get season tickets.

Although fans are willing to pay big bucks for the tickets, scalpers can get in trouble for charging more than the ticket is worth. According to MSU police, raising the price of the ticket above face value is an illegal act, carrying a maximum $500 fine and 90 days in jail. But it's also enforced about as often as jaywalking.

Despite the fact that selling your ticket for more than it's worth will aid the poor college student's pocket, it's an immoral thing to do.

Although it's difficult for us to deny our urges to make a profit with doing little more than buying student-discounted season tickets and posting an ad on the Internet, exercising self-control will help the other students who attend campus sporting events.

The purpose of student tickets is to raise money for the university or the athletics department. When you twist that system to benefit yourself, you not only inconvenience other students, you indirectly hurt your livelihood as a college student as well.

While selling your tickets at inflated prices is good for your bank account, it doesn't help the university. Doing so to make a quick buck is like looking the other way while you take advantage of yourself, your peers, and the sports team that works very hard to represent the image of the university you pay handsomely to cheer for.


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