Monday, September 30, 2024

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Up and atom

Discovery of germanium-60 boasts scientific prowess of 'U', another step toward coveted RIA

Scientists at MSU say they have discovered a new atom at the Cyclotron on campus, thusly proving for once and for all that the Cyclotron is not an amusement ride for students and run by a carny.

The discovery of this germanium-60 isotope will bring us closer to understanding the origins of mankind, the scientists say.

MSU is proud of this new discovery, as well it should be. The work done at the Cyclotron is a testament to the technological superiority of MSU when compared to other universities.

This new data derived from the latest discovery will surely be a boost toward MSU receiving a $1 billion Rare Isotope Accelerator, which would only further MSU's excellence in the field of science and technology.

Discovering an isotope by accelerating krypton gas to 92,000 miles per second is more than impressive, it is mind-blowing. The ultimate goal for the germanium-60 isotope is to be the base for new theories about ancient supernova explosions, which in turn would bring us closer to understanding the origins of mankind.

The discovery is impressive to the scientific illiterate, but it has certainly sparked interest from the perspective of potential investors. The Cyclotron can continue making discoveries with added funding, which it will attract by showcasing its advancements like it has done with the germanium-60 isotope.

Departing MSU President M. Peter McPherson was undoubtedly beaming with pride at the discovery because of his support of the Cyclotron project. There would be no better way for McPherson to slowly ride off into the sunset than to have his pet project receive the $1 billion accelerator.

Most students probably do not know what goes on inside of the Cyclotron, but discoveries like germanium-60 will hopefully bring the scientific work done on campus into the forefront.


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