Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Czarist occupation

New position could bridge gaps between agencies if title goes beyond puppet status

George Bush has asked Congress to create a brand new position of National Intelligence Director that would be the main advisor on countering terrorism.

This new intelligence czar would try and coordinate all of the U.S. intelligence agencies that have input into national intelligence.

The intelligence czar will hopefully become friends with the drug czar so the two of them can throw wild czar parties when no one is watching. The United States is creating positions that will surely intimidate others. The title of "foreign diplomacy conquistador" is sure to follow.

Aside from the goofy title, it is high time someone coordinated the communication among all of the agencies that provide intelligence to the United States.

With all of the different agencies, such as the FBI, CIA, FTA and the Department of Homeland Security performing their specific duties, there should be one central person who can oversee any overlap or missing piece of U.S. intelligence.

The problem with all these agencies is the gravity of what they do. If communication problems are not rectified within U.S. intelligence, people die.

These are some of the most serious jobs in the United States, and any minor screw-up can lead to catastrophe.

Another issue raised by the new possible appointment of an intelligence czar is the amount of power that the person will receive. If the intelligence czar becomes an empty title without any actual authority, appointing a puppet will be useless and ultimately a huge waste of time. Hopefully, the Bush administration is serious about this position and not using it for its political agenda.

The centralization of intelligence in America is long past due, especially after looking at some discoveries of the 9/11 commission. There is absolutely no room for error on behalf of the agencies that contribute intelligence.

If anything falls through the cracks of those agencies, it will ultimately cost American lives.


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