Monday, September 30, 2024

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Take action

Getting involved in politics important for all; many opportunities as November approaches

Getting involved in politics is a positive move.

Sitting and complaining about the presidential candidates and election issues has never been productive, but given the months left before the elections no one has an excuse for either failing to eventually vote, or shying away from getting involved with their favorite candidate's election campaign.

If you love what President Bush is doing as the country's leader, like the way he's done his job and his foreign policy on terrorism, then by all means get out there and say so - support him, do whatever it takes. If you're fresh out of a screening of "Fahrenheit 9/11" and feel you've been ripped off by your government, get involved with John Kerry or the Democrats in some way. The opportunities are out there.

The real tragedy of the American political system is apathy. If there's any great example of how close an election can come, it's from Bush versus Gore election escapades in 2000. If more people had turned to vote, perhaps the question never would have come up.

MTV's recent campaign to get the youth of America to vote is a step in the right direction. Granted, it's done this since the 1990s, but this time the emphasis and airtime the channel has been giving the "Choose or Lose" campaign is admirable, compared to earlier ventures.

Even if presidential and federal politics aren't your thing, there are still state, municipal and school board election campaigns that would gladly take some extra help. You might just be able to impose your voice on the future of your old high school or the laws of your city.

Michigan Students for Bush, home to about 5,000 members, credits itself as one of the largest statewide student-run reelection campaigns in the country. Regardless of anyone's political bent, this can only be seen as good thing.

Democracy only works in the true sense if everyone gets involved and makes their desires known.


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