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35 years of aid

The Listening Ear celebrates anniversary, remains a personalized, essential service

The Listening Ear Crisis Intervention Center does not deserve to hand out free ice cream in celebration of their service to the MSU community. They deserve to have free ice cream brought to them.

This Saturday, the Listening Ear, East Lansing's all-volunteer, call-in crisis center, will mark its 35th anniversary. The summer of the Ear's genesis was a breaking point for America - socially, globally and universally. That summer of 1969, MSU students road-tripped to a farm near Woodstock, N.Y., for three days of peace, love and music. They also watched on television as Neil Armstrong took the first steps on the moon and ushered in an age of unparalleled technological growth. They also mourned the loss of classmates who went to serve in the Vietnam War, but would never come back.

Since that turbulent summer - and every season since - the Listening Ear has given the MSU community a friend to talk to when no one else seemed to want to listen. They've listened to Spartans deal with every interpersonal issue from poor grades to sexual assault, from depression to suicide and from elation to despair. Each time the phone has rang at the Listening Ear, a volunteer has given back to their community and a member of the MSU community has hung up hopefully feeling a touch stronger. For 35 years, each call has been a success, if only because we've felt comfortable confiding in them.

Like most local ventures, 35 years have given the Ear its share of ups and downs. They've set up shop in five different buildings, had about $13,000 stolen by an office manager and watched their office flood last January. As a nonprofit, all-volunteer operation, they haven't had every convenience at their beck and call and, accordingly, faced the hardships of any locally operated venture. But for each hardship, there has been countless redemption in the solace of giving MSU a service that no national crisis hot line can provide.

When a student calls the Listening Ear, there's about a 70 percent likelihood they'll speak with another student. When finals stress takes its toll on a caller, odds are they end up commiserating instead of confiding. The Ear knows more about East Lansing and the MSU community than most can tout, simply for the fact that they've been improving the area for 35 years. Calling into the Listening Ear for advice or counsel provides you with 35 years of East Lansing experience to cultivate from. It's a resource without peer, one that is as easy to access as dialing (517) 337-1717

For 35 years, calls in have not been countered with an agenda, a sermon or pretension. Volunteers are there because they're interested in seeing others through personal hardships, not for personal gain. Volunteers that have served the community with their compassion for more than 20 years are a testament to the dedication embodied by the Ear, and a sterling representation of how East Lansing truly does help its own.

Thank you, Listening Ear, for giving MSU a friend to talk to when no one else could. Happy 35th anniversary, too. We wish you many more.


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