Monday, September 30, 2024

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Out of pocket

Despite inevitable complaints, tuition increase understandable, necessary expense to all

A tuition increase of 2.4 percent has been passed by the MSU Board of Trustees for the 2004-05 school year. While it remains unfortunate that tuition is rising, it is also necessary.

Without this hike, more programs will be cut, and the educational diversity - one of the most important facets of this university - could be undermined. The range of classes and majors is a key player in why many students value MSU.

In an ideal situation, the college's monetary gap would be resolved using outside forces; anyone but the students, via tuition and contribution. In this non-utopian world, however, there are no other sources. The state government is facing tremendous budget problems of its own.

While grumbling is inevitable, try to pass the period of discontent as quickly as possible to reach the stage of acceptance, and perhaps even optimism.

First, the tuition hike could have been much worse. Without MSU President M. Peter McPherson's university deal with the state government, the ceiling for tuition increases (2.8 percent, the rate of inflation) might not have existed.

Instead of an increase less than 5 percent, it is plausible that students could have been facing rates similar to the raise of last year's tuition - 9.9 percent.

For this upcoming school year, the additional cost is calculated at less than $500 for in-state students, including the recently-approved 4.4 percent increase in residence hall fees.

Students should appreciate that the trustees appear to be sympathetic to their financial plight and are allocating $1.8 million for financial aid. This money will be spent in a tuition offset program to help students who cannot bridge with the increase.

Finally, by looking through the most optimistic, rose-colored glasses, students will view their education, and the fees that come with it - as an investment in the future. It may be unfortunate that tuition is increasing, but students will reap many rewards in the end.


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