Monday, September 23, 2024

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Theological stride

Approval on scholarships for religious studies shows importance of cultural understanding

Support by lawmakers of a move allowing scholarships for theology students has scholars singing praises.

The State Senate unanimously voted in favor of a bill last week to approve scholarship funding for theological studies

Initial hesitation for the measure was prompted by the fear of dispute regarding the separation of church and state.

However, laws that would deny scholarships for those who choose to study theology are essentially discriminatory.

To refuse scholarship eligibility to such students equals the inappropriate labeling of the major, as well as the disregard for the practicality of its uses. Theological studies are indeed an important facet of cultural anthropology and, with the state of international affairs, a dire topic.

Those students who choose to study theology are not necessarily practicing to become preachers or any other religious leader. They are not praying in class, they are not tested over live animal sacrifices and they are not meditating for homework.

The study of theology is not devotional, nor is it representative of any single religion. Based on these facts, students of this major should not be denied those benefits that could otherwise be applied to any other area of study. Furthermore, it is absolutely necessary to recognize theology as an indispensable facet to the American educational system.

Especially in an era flagged with issues such as gay marriage, faith wars and creed discrimination, the validation of theological information is imperative to the implementation of law, the understanding of our vast cultural diversity and the comprehension of basic human rights.

The benefactors of a scholarship should have every right to study in an area that is so applicable and so essential to today's controversial societal issues. Additionally, they should be recognized and rewarded for their endeavors.

With the optimism from supportive measures to supply the deserved scholarships, the relevance of religious studies is finally recognized.


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