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RIAA strikes back

Recording industry's targeting of 9 students handled with class, propriety by 'U' officials

The old saying goes, "don't do the crime if you can't do the time." Or is it, "don't do the crime if you think you might get caught?" Or better yet, "don't get caught doing something stupid if you don't know the consequences."

The Recording Industry of America is making an example of nine accused MSU students who they say chose to share copyrighted music using the university network.

The university was required by a court order to release the names of the students involved to the RIAA.

While the school was responsible for locating the identified individuals, they did not take part in their punishment nor did they take the matter any further within the university. They should be commended.

By refraining from the further discipline of the students, university officials abstained from making redundant mountains out of mole hills.

Leaving the matter solely between the RIAA and the students involved established MSU among its students as a reasonable institution which is not easily persuaded by high-profile industries or happenings.

On average, past offenders who have settled with the RIAA have paid $3,000, though a certain Michigan Technological University student was sued for an unreasonable $97.8 billion.

Obviously, the RIAA's exorbitant punishment of accused individuals is enough to terrify even the most gluttonous and/or dumbest of downloading evil-doers. The added panic of facing punishment by one's school is simply not necessary.

Like speed limit enforcement, the disciplinary actions by the RIAA will probably not cease illegal actions of those who download copyrighted music.

MSU recognized that it is not the responsibility of an educational institution to enforce such regulations and chose to take a step back.

The guilty thank you, but don't expect them to pay tuition next semester.


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