Monday, September 23, 2024

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Suspect description should include race

This is a question to the editors of The State News. Since I graduated from MSU, I have kept in touch with what's happening on campus and around East Lansing. With the latest string of robberies, homicides and other crimes, why is it that The State News does not include race when publishing the description of a suspect?

In any other newspaper or news broadcast, race is included in the description of a suspect and is given to the public to help the police apprehend him or her. Why doesn't The State News include this? Has there been a protest regarding this before, or is The State News just trying to be PC?

I hope that people do not see this as a race issue but, more importantly, as raising the issue of awareness to keep a lookout for the thugs that commit these crimes in our community, whether they are white, black, Hispanic or Asian.

David VanKerckhove
2003 graduate


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