Monday, September 23, 2024

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Star experience

SOAR brings Milky Way to 'U' students should take advantage of remote-controlled telescope

The most entertaining and exciting video game no longer is located in the dorm room or apartment. Thanks to the university's investment, MSU has access to the SOuthern Astrophysical Research Telescope , or SOAR, which tops any PlayStation or GameCube.

This new telescope system allows students and the community to transport themselves instantly to the Andes Mountains in Chile, 9,000 feet above sea level, where stargazing is optimal. For a fraction of the total cost (MSU chipped in about $7 million toward the $43 million project), MSU astronomers will have access to this telescope about 40 nights of the year, which is 12 percent of the viewing time. This is more access than MSU ever has been able to receive previously.

This telescope is a great example of what can happen when different groups put their funds and efforts together. The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, several Brazilian universities, the National Optical Astronomy Observatory and MSU can experience a whole new array of learning opportunities with the unveiling of the telescope. By splitting the $43 million bill, all of the organizations are able to benefit. When groups come together, they are able to enjoy expensive luxuries.

MSU has allocated money to a worthwhile cause. This telescope is a tool that can propel the university into the future of science and education; faculty will be attracted and more students will see MSU as a good place to do research.

Not only will this telescope put the university on the map, it also will attract community groups to explore the new technology. By showing younger generations the abundant opportunities in science and the new technologies that are developing, people can start taking an active role in science at a younger age.

As well as children, college students need to take advantage of the opportunities that SOAR presents. This free vacation to the galaxies is at their fingertips and it would be a shame if it were neglected.

MSU is part of something great by opening up the SOAR viewing room. Go play, have fun and take time to do some serious stargazing.


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