Monday, September 30, 2024

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Rice for 'U'

Controversial Condoleezza will attract seniors to commencement, bring prowess to campus

There are a lot of people on this campus who dislike Condoleezza Rice for her politics. There are plenty of people who disagree with her reluctance to testify these past few weeks and probably even more who just dislike her for the cold-blooded, pit bull stare. But just as many are that supportive of her.

She's the national security adviser and arguably the fourth or fifth most powerful person in the United States. She works literally nonstop for her country and is a tremendously dedicated public servant under President Bush.

Her public profile also makes her a leader among women and minorities - something this nation's government could use more of.

MSU has seen its fair share of heavyweights on its graduation stage. In 1995, President Clinton spoke. Last year, it was Gov. Jennifer Granholm. Now, it has been two years since a member of the Bush administration delivered a commencement address at MSU.

In spring 2002, Vice President Dick Cheney saw our seniors off. Whether or not he was wearing a dark cloak, was accompanied by Storm Troopers and had the Imperial March play him to the podium, we honestly can't remember. We'd have to review game film.

But if you're in the news, have both a fan club and a hate club and are being flatly spoofed on Saturday Night Live, you've acquired the credentials of a controversial figure. And, politics aside, that's undeniably better than having the highest-donating alumnus or local politicians be the first to congratulate your graduation.

Condoleezza Rice undoubtedly will have a good deal to say when she takes the stage in Breslin Center on May 7. She could theoretically address a spectrum of topics - her job and colleagues, her time as provost at Stanford University or even where she buys her sensible business attire while in Washington.

She's familiar with the institution of higher education, is profoundly well-educated and is almost certain to be a captivating speaker.

But when you give the fourth or fifth most powerful person a microphone, you run an inherent risk. Rice is a controversial figure, but the spotlight of the day should shine brightest on our graduates. Will she push a conservative agenda? Will she open with a ham-fisted joke to show us all how normal she really isn't? Will she do the unthinkable and actually - gasp! - stump for Bush's re-election?

Toss it around all you'd like, but those open-ended questions ultimately will fill the seats at Breslin Center when graduates walk on May 7.

Given the climate and the circumstances, this arguably is the most important speaker since the day Slick Willy wore a graduation robe here and probably creeped out some co-eds. Is she partisan? Yes. Is she radically disliked and feverishly supported? Yes. Will everyone be happy to hear what she says? Not a chance.

But like her or not, what Rice says at Breslin Center on May 7 will be important. Happy graduation. The diplomas are mostly historical documents anyway.


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