Monday, September 23, 2024

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Parking situation on campus ridiculous

I have a couple suggestions for the MSU parking division.

First, I'd like to propose that you incorporate a direct-deposit feature, so you can take the fees right from our bank accounts without us even leaving the cozy confines of our automobile. Wait, I take that back, that would mean that you would have to forfeit late fees and towing fees for the rogue students who practice civil disobedience and don't pay your wretched fines.

OK, next idea. Give us more time than 10 minutes per quarter; $1.50 for an hour is outrageous. Shoot, once again, I tapped into the problem of lost revenue for the Department of Police and Public Safety (DPPS), and God knows we wouldn't want to skip out on screwing the students.

OK, last idea. How about we improve the parking situation? That sounds nice, make it so 40,000-plus students are dog-fighting for 23,400 parking spots, but not all of them can be used by students. A good way to do this would be even out the meter spots to reserved spots. For example, the majority (students) are forced to use only two levels of the Shaw Ramp when there is seven levels. Or, even better yet, let's build a new parking ramp off Shaw Lane between Anthony Hall and the International Center, where there's already a parking lot. Let's build upward. Hold up, I keep running into this reoccurring problem of cost and revenue.

After the hundreds of dollars I've already contributed to the DPPS, I've yet to have seen any improvement in our deplorable parking situation. I just think the university needs to rebudget and implement a plan to remedy the parking dilemma.

Ian Cole
supply chain management junior


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