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It's no secret

Victoria's Secret fashion show cancellation on heels of Jackson exposure over the top

After the infamous Janet Jackson chest exposure on national television, suddenly Victoria's Secret wants to be a little more secretive, but its shyness isn't necessary.

The company's decision to cancel its televised fashion show this year is a little over the top. This flaunting of undergarments is no more offensive than any Herbal Essences commercial. The Jackson incident was an isolated event that shouldn't affect the decisions of the Victoria Secret Company - the two clearly are separate issues.

First of all, Jackson had a sudden costume change during a song and dance duet in front of a live television audience at a sporting event. The Victoria's Secret fashion show would be an event dedicated purposely for the viewing of underwear - the product it sells.

Plus, the only thing these women have to do is walk down a runway. If the company is afraid that something is going to fly out, they need not worry. In case they're not familiar with the female anatomy, separate body parts don't really have minds of their own. Even if something should pop out, it's not the end of the world. The event doesn't need to be aired live. Anything can be edited out beforehand, so there's really no reason to fret.

Some say that it's better to do away with this event because it affects how young women view their bodies. Sure it does - but let's be honest here, canceling a fashion show is not going to even minorly change that. American society would have to totally reform its advertising policies and ban, well, everything.

The public is exposed to bright, intelligent women strutting around in swimwear to win a contest named after our country. Little girls are exposed to midriff-baring Disney sweethearts like Jasmine from "Aladdin" and the likeness of female pop stars posted all over magazines. A fashion show modeling undergarments that females across the world do, in fact, wear is hardly as offensive as some of the aforementioned.

So, let's cool it and put Jackson's breast behind us. An underwear show advertising a product is not just fashion, it's function. Victoria's Secret doesn't need to be so hard on itself.


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