Monday, September 30, 2024

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Heading east

Upcoming trip build cultural economic relations between Michigan lawmakers, Arabs

A plan to send Michigan lawmakers overseas to the Middle East will be the first step in promoting cultural understanding and economic growth between Michiganians and Arabs.

Twenty-one state House members plan on traveling to Qatar and Dubai for the first of several trips to the region. The purpose of the trip is to encourage economic relations, business development and cultural tolerance between the Middle East and the state of Michigan, specifically. The U.S.-Arab Economic Forum produced the idea.

This is an all-around wonderful idea, especially since Michigan has the largest population of immigrant Arab Americans in the country. A decision such as this will benefit those on every side of the issue and it will help our state better serve our Michigan citizens of Arab dissent.

However, it's disheartening that Dearborn has no representative currently on the bandwagon. Considering that Dearborn has one of the largest Arab populations in the country, a representative should indeed try to make it to this positive collaboration overseas.

This issue is especially important after America's response to Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. With the USA Patriot Act's thinly disguised racial profiling, efforts to try and correct intolerance and injustices against Arab Americans and Arabs alike is undeniably a necessary effort, and it's nice that it's happening in Michigan.

A better attitude toward simply trying to get along with one another is a move that really can't go wrong.

If Michigan is trying to strengthen its foreign policy in this particular vicinity, efforts to understand the culture and customs of the people it's trying to work with in addition to its own Michigan residents is going to have a positive effect.

Giving the issue of tolerance, serious consideration on the state level is a wise and sincere move. An extra effort between people of different cultures who vocally and actively want to cooperate is a giant step in the right direction - east.


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