Monday, September 30, 2024

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Costly hoax

Wis. police should have investigated student abduction even with some reasonable doubt

Wisconsin detectives' search for a woman's abductor should not be criticized even if the so-called victim made him up.

Audrey Seiler's claim that she was abducted led to an unsuccessful search by detectives because the culprit didn't exist.

The University of Wisconsin-Madison student said she was kidnapped by an unknown man. After she informed detectives of the man, police spent more than $70,000 conducting a search to locate and arrest him. After investigating, Assistant Chief Noble Wray came to the conclusion that Seiler had, in fact, set up her own abduction.

After four days, Seiler was found in a swamp with a knife, duct tape and rope nearby. The police said evidence on videotape suggests that Seiler had purchased all of the items before the alleged abduction took place.

This has led to some criticism of the police force's search for the fictitious kidnapper because officers had reasonable doubt he didn't exist.

This is outrageous.

It's almost as if residents in the surrounding area are upset that a criminal wasn't found.

Even if police were suspicious of the case's credibility, they should have searched the surrounding area for the safety of the community - this was their only option.

It is the duty of detectives to get to the bottom of a story, and if the bottom of a story is that the alleged victim happens to have serious issues, then their job still is completed. They handled the case in a very professional manner, and in that sense, it is a job well done.

Clearly, Seiler has major personal issues to resolve. Any girl who willingly hides in a swamp from a fictitious kidnapper needs to get some help.

Seiler also should be accountable for the more than $70,000 that was spent on searching for the suspect during the four-day period. She needs to take responsibility for her actions - the detectives did their job and shouldn't be responsible for this mess.


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