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Association gives last-minute funding

April 9, 2004

With the end of the semester nearing, a number of student organizations are approaching governing groups that allocate money, hoping to get one last piece of the pie.

Three such requests were presented to the Residence Halls Association General Assembly at its Wednesday meeting, but only two of the bills made it to a vote.

The African Student Union put in a request for $100 to the assembly. No one from the union was there to present the bill, however, which prevented the assembly from examining it.

Instead of debating the bill, the assembly decided to postpone it for one week to allow the union to explain why it is requesting the money.

"We usually defer to the group to answer the assembly's questions," RHA President Derek Wallbank said, explaining why budget committee Chairman Mike Playford would not be presenting the bill. Playford said there might have been a mix-up with the time and place of the meeting.

Spectrum, the lesbian, bi, gay and transgender caucus for East Complex, asked for $800 from the programming and outreach committee to fund movies it plans to show during Pride Week. The bill passed the assembly, 18-0-2.

The biggest source of controversy during the meeting was a request for $3,357 from the Muslim Students' Association. Association finance head Irfan Ahmad presented the request, which would fund the association's end-of-the-year dinner, to the assembly.

During the presentation, Ahmad reduced the requested amount to $2,500. An amendment was introduced which would have reduced the amount to $500, but it failed. After that, the bill itself failed by a vote of 0-17-4.

Ahmad was unable to be reached for comment Thursday.

The general fund has roughly $2,700 remaining, but many representatives were hesitant to give money to a religious organization when the purpose of the event isn't to educate students about culture.

RHA gave money to the association in the fall for an awareness week.


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