Monday, September 23, 2024

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'U' should help out student-parents

MSU is not a "child-friendly university." I believe this is due, in part, to the fact that student-parents are not considered by administration on any level. In the eyes of administration, we don't exist.

Student-parents are paying significantly more than traditional students. Day care alone runs an average of $150 a week for one child. What the university considers childcare scholarships do not apply to low-income student-parents because child care on campus is significantly more than off campus. We pay additional money for parking because we need access to transportation. We pay for our tuition and lose assistance from the state because we have chosen to be in school. For those of us who work, we lose part or all of our Pell grants, because it is impossible to work and attend school full-time. Living expenses are higher, and if you have children, you have medical bills.

Please support student-parents by recognizing them in your classroom ,by encouraging them academically and, for some, socially. Please contact the administration and ask that it considers making changes that would allow parents to be successful at this university. Changes, such as a child-friendly areas in the library so we can study and participate in study groups, are needed, as well as affordable child care on campus and after-hours child care. Parenthood is like any other diversity issue and should be appreciated - not stigmatized.

Some of us will be in front of the Administration Building at 1 p.m. on April 22.

Laleah Fernandez
journalism junior


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