Monday, September 23, 2024

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Tax-and-spend Dems have earned name

It's funny that Democrats get angry when they're called tax-and-spend liberals. They have worked so hard to avoid being labeled that way, but their record shows otherwise. Our Democratic governor has raised taxes numerous times under the guise of "user fees." Then she stopped a scheduled income tax cut. Now, she wants to raise Michigan's cigarette taxes to the second highest in the nation. Meanwhile, John Kerry is promising to repeal President Bush's tax cuts and take billions of dollars out of the pockets of working Americans. Even at the local level, state Rep. Gretchen Whitmer, D-East Lansing, has toed her party's line on tax increases and is working hard on her own pet project of raising liquor taxes.

Kerry wants to undo the jobs we've already created by taking money out of the economy. Granholm wants to make Michigan less competitive for business with our neighbors. And Whitmer wants to raise taxes on booze while representing a college town. Tax-and-spend liberals are crazy.

Kim Frentheway
history senior


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