Monday, September 23, 2024

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Simon needs to address theater

I am a senior theater major, and I am worried. Stated in a recent installment of "Liberal Arts Reorganization" was the fact that Provost Lou Anna Simon still hasn't decided what she is going to do with the Department of Theatre. It also has been stated in all of the articles written on this subject in The State News that no departments would be cut from the university if her reorganization takes place. Yet, my department isn't given a new home and isn't even being discussed.

I am about to enter the "real world" to pursue a career as a producer and director of the stage. I am proud of the education I have received here. But what happens when I go to an interview and a prospective employer would like to contact the chair of the theater department from which I obtained my degree, and I have to tell them, "I'm sorry, you can't - it doesn't exist anymore." I have put too much time and, perhaps more importantly, money into my education to have this happen to me.

Simon keeps saying the changes are being made to help people, but I have a hard time seeing how this is going to help anyone.

Patti Wheeler
theater senior


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