Monday, September 23, 2024

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Homosexuality not predisposed trait

On what basis does Neal Conatser claim that polygamy is a choice but that homosexuality is an inherent trait ("Laws should omit sexual references" SN 3/16)? What about someone who is bisexual? What if someone has the inherent need to be in a close relationship with both a man and a woman, i.e. polygamy? It does not seem consistent to say that homosexuality is an inherent trait but that bisexuality and polygamy are not.

There always has been a debate about different lifestyles and whether they are inherent or simply choices, but I believe the reality lies somewhere in the middle. A person is born with certain tendencies toward stealing and is affected by his or her surroundings as a child, but ultimately makes a choice of whether or not to become a bank robber. Likewise, I think some people are born with a tendency toward homosexuality. Their upbringing will affect them, but in the end, it is a person's choice to live a homosexual lifestyle.

God will only hold us accountable for our choices. He has compassion on the person who is has a tendency toward homosexuality, just like he has compassion on the person who has a tendency toward stealing. He has so much love for us that he let himself be subjected to the worst kind of violence so that our inherent tendencies can be conquered. Unfortunately, we (myself included) usually are too proud of our inherent traits to realize that they might need some fixing.

John A. Amrhein
2003 graduate


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