Monday, September 23, 2024

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Why west?

Reasons for possible med school move vague; adminstration should explain consideration

If you're going to move one of MSU's strongest colleges out of Mid-Michigan to Grand Rapids, it has to be for a better reason than the one MSU spokesman Terry Denbow gave - "We can't define what the move is."

And if one of the university's top officials doesn't even know the reason why, wouldn't it make more sense to wait and announce such a move once the position can be defended?

Since the beginning of the semester, discussions have been held regarding a potential move of the College of Human Medicine to Grand Rapids. A committee composed of both East Lansing Mayor Mark Meadows, Lansing Mayor Tony Benavides, Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce President Bill Sepic plus others, has been debating the issue, trying to find reasons to keep the college on campus.

Reasons the committee has given thus far have been everything from better opportunities in Grand Rapids to conflicts with Sparrow Health System in Lansing, and they've been vague at best. An actual reason, supported by evidence, has not yet been stated.

It's like your doctor telling you, "We found this thing, and it might cause some health problems, but it probably won't, but just in case it does you should move to this other hospital."

The College of Human Medicine boasts one of the best radiology labs in the United States. The strength of the program is essential to producing educated doctors who will stay in the Lansing area. Moving the college to Grand Rapids runs the risk of losing those doctors to West Michigan.

The committee needs to seriously consider the impact of such a move on the Mid-Michigan area. This has the potential of strongly interfering with economic and health care interests in the area, but it also has the possibility of growing with the rapidly developing West Michigan region.

However, moving the college to Grand Rapids shouldn't be discussed until the committee deciding its fate has substantial reasoning in defense of its decision.


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