Monday, September 23, 2024

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Southern food shouldn't offend 'U'

As a person of Southern orientation, I take offense to those who thought the MLK meal at Owen Hall was stereotyping ("MLK dinner spurs controversy in Owen Hall" SN 2/6).

The menu was a typical "Sunday" meal, or what we Southerners would call "good ol' home-style cooking."

The type served at family soirées, spiritual functions or simply for unity and comfort. Perhaps kielbasa and sauerkraut would have been more appropriate. I personally don't understand why they felt stereotyped. Unless they were themselves stereotyping the food.

Why is Southern cuisine beneath you? Because a meal inspired by a Southern locale was served, does that somehow make it less appropriate? Some dark day in the future, these people will have what they want: Little gray squares on a plain gray plate, all meeting the necessary nutritional requirements to sustain everyone.

Was Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream to lose all flavors in society, to become devoid of difference or was it to appreciate and respect differences without alienation? Those perpetuating the "stereotype" need to lose their hate and realize that it was just "good" food.

Perhaps if they were more open to experience, they would have participated in the meal with a more positive attitude rather than with a "me against the world" mentality.

A meal meant to unify was turned into something oppressive because of the negative attitudes of a few students. I would hate to live my life trapped with such a negative world view. Yes, there are people out there who will hate you and try to oppress you no matter what gender, ethnicity, spiritual orientation or socioeconomic status you are. But if you bring a positive attitude, you will take away a positive experience.

Autumn Brianne Lloyd
psychology senior


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