Monday, September 23, 2024

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Same-sex marriage won't alter society

Tuesday morning, President George Bush made a speech declaring that we must protect the vital and ancient institution of marriage, which is recognized by every religion (nice way to include everyone in your ridiculous stance, Dubya), because apparently he feels that same-sex marriages will ruin that institution.

All one has to do is watch "The Ricki Lake Show" for about five minutes to see that degenerate men and women everywhere do a damn good job at disgracing that institution themselves. Britney Spears and Jennifer Lopez also are shining examples of how marriage is taken so lightly in our society that, for some, it's a kind of hobby.

It saddens me that, for my friends who are in same-sex relationships, they are thought of by a great deal of society as some wretch that's going to throw the workings of our social fabric out the window - when all they want to do is love each other and be able to have the same rights as other couples in the legal eye.

Vanessa Vanecek
2002 graduate


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