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Provost forum backed by ASMSU funds

Simon to discuss liberal arts agenda

ASMSU's Academic Assembly approved funding for a universitywide forum with Provost Lou Anna Simon Tuesday night. It also allocated money for a conference, and heard presentations on Gov. Jennifer Granholm's tuition deal with MSU.

The assembly passed a bill setting aside $1,000 for the forum with Simon on Thursday, titled "21st Century Spartan."

"We'll be discussing the new liberal-arts vision," said Ahmed Baset, director of university and governmental budgetary affairs. He said the forum will be an opportunity to address any questions with Simon's preliminary proposal for university restructuring. Several colleges might be reorganized and consolidated under the plan.

Simon said she will meet with student groups over the next few weeks to get their opinions before she begins work on the final draft March 5.

"There were students in focus groups and students had sent me ideas, but people didn't know which ideas I was considering," she said of her work prior to releasing her preliminary plan Wednesday. "We distilled them and now there will be another chance for students to consider them more fully."

ASMSU officials said they also will meet with Simon on Friday.

Additionally, the assembly voted to allow two members to attend the Association of Michigan Universities' conference this weekend at Grand Valley State University. The conference is a legislative body that discusses issues important to Michigan universities.

Discussion on a set of bills supporting or rejecting Granholm's tuition proposal also continued from its Feb. 3 meeting.

The assembly heard presentations from university officials on why MSU chose to hold tuition increases at the rate of inflation under Granholm's plan that would then reduce university cuts from 5 to 2 percent. The bills were sent to committee to discuss the wording.

College of Natural Sciences representative Andrew McCoy, who introduced the bills, said after learned more about the proposal, he felt the language wasn't perfect and he believed it needed work.

The assembly will debate the bills at its next meeting March 2.


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