Monday, September 23, 2024

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Marriage about love, not gender

I wish that we could skip the days of this oppressive stupidity and move on to where relationships are people's own business.

Remember when America didn't think that there should be interracial dating? How about the days of segregation? How is this any different?

Who cares if a woman loves another woman? Who cares if a man loves another man? I love tons of men! If they do care, then why? If a man wants to express his love for another man, he shouldn't have to do it in secret. This whole country (headed by our "president") has this inbred hatred of homosexuality, and this latest ridiculous "protecting the sanctity of marriage" initiative taken by "President" Bush is a perfect example of it.

Personally, I believe that marriage is reserved for those couples who are in love, want to spend the rest of their lives together and want to make a commitment to love each other for the rest of their lives in the full view of anyone who cares. That's why I'm getting married.

If this is between a man and a woman, a woman and a woman, or a man and a man, it shouldn't make any difference. Why stop gay couples from marrying? Who's been protecting the sanctity of marriage for the past 30 years? The last time I checked, 50 percent of first-time marriages end in divorce.

We have to stop this "Marriage Protection Act" before it gets off the ground. I wonder what Vice President Dick Cheney and his lesbian daughter have to say about this. I wonder how she felt as her father applauded "W" as he laid out his plans to stop her from ever being able to get married.

I got home tonight and saw my beautiful fiancee asleep on the couch, and thought about how easy we have had it. Nobody ever questioned my motives. I asked her to marry me and everyone was completely happy about it. There are gay couples that have been together for 30 years, but they can't obtain a legal document that expresses their commitment to each other. Is that fair?

Justin Godley
2003 graduate


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