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Dean's for 'U"

Candidate cares about our generation, gets people fired up about politics, voting again

What have you done for us lately, Democratic presidential candidates? In the months and months ahead of rhetorical promise-making and political stumping, the list of to-dos certainly will outweigh the items crossed off as complete on the campaign checklist.

It's the nature of the beast in the world of politics. It's necessary to establish platforms and, therefore, essential in gathering supporters.

We like to know what a candidate would do for us while ostensibly yearning for the candidate to put up or shut up on the campaign trail.

Accordingly, it's a difficult balance, but no one said a campaign for president was easy.

It's been especially difficult this year. No presidential race is unimportant, but 2004 is shaping up to be the most controversial, passionate, bitterly fought race for the Democratic nomination in recent history. After a palpable absence in recent elections, politics is finally at the forefront of student life, and a candidate reflective of that surge is deserving of our support.

Which is why, at the Michigan Democratic caucus on Feb. 7, we at The State News puts our support behind Howard Dean. For the first time in years, the MSU community is passionate about politics and, through his tireless work at the grassroots and activist levels, Dean is responsible for it.

The polarity of the upcoming presidential campaign is nothing short of astounding. The nation, currently divided into pro-Bush and anti-Bush camps, has a candidate representative of each political favor. This time around, those candidates are George W. Bush and anyone not named George W. Bush (anyone with the support of the Democratic National Party).

To be sure, Dean, the former Democratic front-runner, is currently the most deserving candidate to contest Bush this autumn. His Internet-based initiatives, his personal visit to this campus and his vigorous student volunteers are responsible for making Dean the choice of the college student.

Dean's politics - pro-United Nations, anti-war, pro-civil union, pro-choice - are not drastically different from any other Democratic candidate. Inherently, none in the current Democratic candidate pool is substantially radical from the other. Which is why the decision to support Dean has been based not on promises and platforms but on what he has actually done.

Dean has invigorated young voters; he's reached for their support in person. He has Spartans of the past, present and future excited about the prospect of a new president come November. While others have spoken, Dean has utilized action to the best of his ability and his resources for candidacy.

To say the least, Dean's activism has propelled the campaign to new levels of challenge and discourse for all other Democratic candidates.

If there is any single catalyst for instigating fellow Democrats to replace George W. Bush to date, it has been Dean.

Dean might not be the sexy choice of Democrats nationwide during these early caucuses and debates, but he has consistently proven to be the most reliable in restoring young voters' faith in what should and could be found in the Oval Office.


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