Monday, September 23, 2024

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Walk the talk

Granholm's State of the State speech positive, unifying; but actions speak louder than words

The old adage, "Actions speak louder than words," is a saying many in the Michigan Legislature should learn, particularly Gov. Jennifer Granholm.

Granholm, who delivered her State of the State address Tuesday night, discussed all of the problems Michigan will be facing in the next year and her plans for what to do about them.

Her speech spoke well of unity, and Republicans said they were willing to work with the governor to help keep jobs in Michigan and to balance the budget, which may face a $1 billion deficit. All of these things are great but Granholm must realize that promises in speeches are usually that - promises. And, in order for Michigan to begin economic recovery, more action must be taken. This positive speech is just the first step in a thousand step process.

Granholm once again touted her Cool Cities proposal, reaffirming the need to keep young Michiganians in Michigan. The only thing this proposal has accomplished, however, is to establish committees to determine what cities in Michigan are "cool."

Keeping younger college graduates in Michigan is even more daunting now, when cuts are being made to higher education. Granholm must understand that individuals in their 20s and 30s need more than "cool cities" to keep them in Michigan; they need affordable college education.

Granholm's speech, much like last year's, focused on Michigan's swelling deficit and her cabinet's desire to work aggressively. But let's hope that, unlike last year, Granholm will be successful in actually shrinking the deficit.

Granholm, however, must be applauded for working out a deal with MSU to help keep tuition increases low and to help keep budget cuts for the university low. It's important that students be allowed to continue their education without the worry of having to drop out to afford it - this is decisive action.

Granholm delivered a great speech Tuesday night, a speech that might help unite Granholm and her Republican Legislature. Let's hope she means it.


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