Monday, September 30, 2024

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Moon money

Space exploration progress needed, but Bush's goals during a $500 billion deficit impractical

The presidential election is a mere 11 months away, and now, with Saddam Hussein found and Iraq getting back up on its feet, George W. Bush's news-making opportunities are more limited. But Bush doesn't need other countries to help him make news - our president can make his own.

Bush announced earlier this month plans for a mission to the moon and Mars. But Bush is acting like a program that will cost almost $170 billion over the next 20 years is as cheap as a trip home to Texas.

Space exploration is always needed, but this move by Bush, during a time when the country faces an estimated $500 billion deficit, just seems like another political ploy to gain votes.

Bush's plan allocates funds to be spent on the program over the next five years. Though the public will see no real results from Mars for 20 years, this money will be taken from us now.

Funding for space exploration is always needed, because space research is a vital part of scientific progress, and in the past, it has created momentous technology. But Bush's allocation of $1 billion will get no results.

After the destruction of the space shuttle Columbia, Americans need renewed interest in the space program. But introducing a new trip to Mars right now is not a smart move by Bush.

Bush never seemed to be interested in space exploration before the approaching election came into the picture. As governor he never visited the Johnson Space Center, which is in his home state. This fact only serves to feed the appetites of critics who believe his "big ideas" for space travel have come to light because of the election.

With critics pointing out these facts, his support for the space program at this time will not gain him votes, but take them away. With the country in debt, the last thing we need to do is spend more money. Come on, Bush - the American public is smart enough to see through this politcal mumbo-jumbo.


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