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Her choice

Abortion is a personal issue that should be made with the help of a doctor, not a legislator

If abortion opponents have their way, one of the most personal and life-changing decisions a woman can make will become a decision legislators will make for her.

In October, Gov. Jennifer Granholm said she vetoed legislation that would restrict partial-birth abortions because it did not give exceptions to allow the procedure if the mother's life was at stake.

Last Wednesday, abortion opponents began a petition that could bring the Legal Birth Definition Act back to the Legislature. The act defines life as the moment part of the fetus is expelled from the body. If members can gather enough signatures, the initiative would go before the Michigan Legislature and require only a majority vote to pass.

Abortion is a personal matter, which requires deep and careful consideration of a woman's own situation - it is not a matter to be legislated.

The decision to have a partial-birth abortion usually is made because of health reasons. Of the 29,231 abortions performed in Michigan in 2002, only about nine cases involved partial-birth techniques.

Legislators make it seem at times that women take having an abortion very lightly - as if it were just another form of birth control, such as the pill. Abortion is not an easy decision for any woman, especially when she could die from delivering that baby. There needs to be a provision that allows for an abortion to take place if the mother's health is in danger.

Pro-lifers should not have the power to tell a woman who will die from pregnancy that she might deliver. If life is the ultimate gift, why should a mother's life be any different than an unborn baby's?

A woman's own health, and other situational matters, needs to be taken into consideration before the decision to have an abortion is made.

Abortion is not a matter of right or wrong, but is one filled with gray areas. Legislators should trust and know that a woman, when presented with the option of partial-birth abortion, will make an educated decision with the help of her doctor.

Abortion is not an issue that can be decided on with a vote.


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