Monday, September 30, 2024

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Clear-path cause

'U' needs to clear campus sidewalks, make it safer for students to get to class in 1 piece

Students shouldn't have to break out their snowshoes to make it to class, but with snow-packed sidewalks and more flurries expected, it seems like the only safe way to go. Recently, Residence Halls Association president Derek Wallbank's address raised concerns about the lack of snow removal on campus. This couldn't have come at a better time.

Any student waking up for an 8 a.m. class has experienced the treachery of walking miles on icy, snow-packed campus sidewalks. For the safety of students, something needs to be done in order to have the walkways cleared and salted by 7:30 a.m.

Wallbank, who was elected as RHA president in February 2003, delivered his "State of the Organization" speech at last week's RHA meeting, and in it, he criticized residence life for not doing enough to aid students with disabilities in getting around during the winter.

Sidewalks with heavy traffic areas are not cleared often, even days after a snowfall occurs. Once the snow packs down and is covered by another fresh blanket, an even more hazardous mess occurs.

Walking on campus has become darn-right dangerous for everybody.

Students with disabilities have an even harder time getting around campus when curbs are covered in mounds of snow and wheelchairs begin to spin on patches of ice.

In order to get the most out of the thousands of dollars students pay to MSU through tuition, they have to be able to get to class. It's only right we get what we pay for and have sidewalks cleared and salted by 7:30 a.m. If it has been snowing all afternoon, it's also imperative that most of the snow be cleared by the evening when classes are ending.

We applaud RHA and Wallbank for talking about the need for better snow clearance and sidewalk maintenance, but let's hope the talk will turn to action and RHA will pressure officials to make sure there is better snow removal for all students traversing MSU.


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