Monday, September 23, 2024

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Celebs for 'U'

Students need to take advantage of campus visitors, become informed on national issues

This week, MSU has resembled the red carpet of politics. Author Michael Moore, Sen. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., and presidential hopeful Howard Dean all have come to campus in the span of two days.

Moore will be signing copies of his new book, "Dude, Where's My Country?" today, and both Kennedy, who came in support of presidential hopeful John Kerry, and Dean came Thursday.

We also have influential scientists and intellectuals come to MSU such as Frances Collins, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, who is well-known for leading the team that mapped the human genome.

MSU students might not know how extraordinarily lucky they are to have all of these well-known and famous figures coming to their campus. How much easier could it be to go see a man who might one day be president or one of the most powerful scientists in the country just by taking the bus to the Kellogg Center or Wharton Center?

Students have shown up in high numbers to these events. The room where Dean spoke only holds around 300 people, and yesterday was filled with about 1,500 waiting to hear him speak. High numbers of people also are expected to attend Moore's book-signing and speech today at the Auditorium.

It's great that students are getting involved and checking out the different speakers. Going to see a speaker you either agree with or disagree with can open up your eyes to different opinions or help reaffirm your own beliefs. Students who disagree with Moore or who are Bush fans should go just to see what the other side is talking about and gain new perspectives.

We also encourage diversity in the ideologies of the people visiting MSU. More conservative speakers and writers should feel welcome to come here and learn just how enthusiastic MSU students can be when it comes to having guest speakers.

Students should be prepared for the onslaught of presidential candidates who will be coming to visit the campus as the 2004 elections get into full swing. Hey, it's not quite the Academy Awards, but it's pretty darn close.


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