Monday, September 30, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

Vote or shut up

Casting ballots in E.L. election takes less time than complaining about problems with city

There's a highly sought-after new fashion accessory out on the streets today, and we at The State News are about to let you in on the secret. Forget the tweed, the platform sandals or the flared jeans. Today's hottest statement is the "I Voted" sticker.

In East Lansing and elsewhere in Michigan today, citizens will be flocking to the polls to cast their election day ballots. But unfortunately, "flock" usually doesn't describe the way students respond to elections.

In the 2001 East Lansing elections, fewer than 100 of the 4,034 ballots cast were from student voters. But while past performances could easily predict another lack of student participation for this election, we would like to hope otherwise.

In a city that recently has stiffened the penalties for excessive loudness, today students will have the opportunity to make a different kind of noise. There have been many complaints in the past that local officials aren't listening to the collective voice of students - well, here's the chance to finally be heard.

The same is true for the Lansing mayoral election. Two competitive candidates are vying for an important job. It would be a shame for students who live in the city not to care.

Voting isn't difficult to do. Not only is it a simple task, but it requires so little time that there is no excuse why any student couldn't spare a couple of minutes to punch a few chads.

Guess what -


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