Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Transgender people need protection

As a transgender activist, I ask the people of Lansing to pass a civil rights ordinance that will protect the transgender population.

An example of an ordinance reads, "It is hereby declared to be contrary to the public policy of the city of Lansing for any person to deny any other person the enjoyment of his or her civil rights or for any person to discriminate against any other person in the exercise of his or her civil rights or to harass any person because of religion, race, color, national origin, age, height, weight, disability, sex, marital status, sexual orientation, student status, transgender status or because of the use by any individual of adaptive devices or aids."

Citizens, tell them that we want a similar law in Lansing. Where it reads sexual orientation, request that they put, after that, the words "gender identity and expression."

Melissa Sue Robinson
Lansing resident


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