Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Tissue, please

Take parents' advice: Get RHA survival pack, flu shot before symptoms get out of control

As the weather continues to get colder, sneezes and coughs are becoming the norm around campus.

We all know colds and flu start infecting the area this time of the year, so here's a new idea: Take initiative and get a vaccination before you're stuck in bed with a fever and congested sinuses.

The 2002 National College Health Assessment reported that 78 percent of MSU students got a cold or the flu last year.

Twenty percent of the respondents reported it affected their school work.

MSU's Residence Halls Association and Olin Health Center furthered awareness by giving away about 5,000 "survival packs," which included hand sanitizer, tissues and various health-related products.

Getting a flu vaccination is quick and fairly cheap. It only takes a trip to Olin Allergy and Immunization Clinic and $15 for the shot. Why not take advantage?

It is nice to see that this season RHA is taking the initiative to protect students' health.

But the survival packs are just one way to address a health concern that affects a large portion of campus.

Although the flu vaccination is an extremely positive idea, it should be available to everyone equally.

The MSU Sports Medicine Program administered a needle-free immunization called FluMist only to male athletes last week.

Female athletes are not allowed to take the new shot because a pregnancy test would have to be taken prior to the vaccination.

Although the treatment is $58, it should not only be offered to male student athletes.

There should absolutely be no discrimination when it comes to health care.

The numbers represent the truth. Don't be part of a growing 78 percent.

Take advantage of the flu vaccinations instead of risking the chance of having poor health this coming winter.


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