Monday, September 30, 2024

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Talking to 'U'

Dialogue between trustees, students can only improve relationships with administration

By taking time to listen to student concerns, Trustee David Porteous has made positive progress toward improving the relationship between students and administrators.

The more the administration hears from students, the more it will learn about the issues students face.

Porteous met Friday with a newly formed student committee. The group discussed student issues including minority retention rates and affirmative action.

The committee, which has no formal name, hopes to meet with one board member each month to discuss university issues from board meetings and learn how the board operates.

But students and board members should use their time effectively when they meet. The more administrators are willing to directly address student issues, the better. There's a difference between communication and good communication.

If trustees are willing to take an active interest in the student population, they must have an agenda as to what they want to accomplish at these meetings. The same goes for the students who are attending.

Anyone can say they will discuss events - it's easy for the topic of conversation to drift off into something unrelated to the issues they face.

Dialogue needs to be used effectively.

The first meeting addressed tuition increases, minority retention rates, budget cuts and the U.S. Supreme Court's affirmative action decision.

It's clear these meetings are not just coffee talk about the football game.

The rest of the student population should realize what an opportunity this is and not hesitate to voice its opinions.

Students complain that the administration does not care about student issues or is oblivious to what's really going on around campus.

Well, now's your chance - be sure to take it.


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