Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Security officers problem at game

I debated on whether to send in a letter expressing my disappointment at the way the MSU police department handled the entering of students at the Nov. 1 University of Michigan game, but I decided just to let it pass.

Then came Cathy Rybka's letter "Bad behavior fault of stadium guests" (SN 11/12).

I have to say I waited in line for nearly an hour and a half to get into the game and did not see "several hundred belligerent college students" rushing the gates or "disorderly behavior" as Rybka describes.

Instead, I saw security officers hold up the crowd by flirting with female students, checking to make sure purses matched up with their pink Styrofoam squares (on a side note, I cannot think of a more ridiculous security measure - apparently small purses cannot contain harmful items) and, in general, harass the students with threats of ticket confiscation for no apparent reason.

I understand they have a job to do and that security is a top priority, but they did nothing more than slow down the flow of students for questionable reasons.

Art Bukowski
journalism senior


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