Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Policy has failed women's rights

Greg Vanker is exactly right when he says that "Sex isn't all fun and games; it comes with risks and consequences" ("Abortion wrong choice for women," SN 11/13). Unfortunately, that's where his letter turns from reason to rhetoric. Too often, the debate over reproductive freedom is reduced to abortion alone, but despite the bumper sticker slogans, the issue is multifaceted and complex.

Policymakers should do everything in their power to protect the right to a safe abortion. At the same time, they need to enact and implement measures to reduce the need for these procedures.

Where was Vanker and the Right to Life of Michigan when states banned condom distribution in high schools? Where were they when conservatives opposed comprehensive, medically accurate sex education? Where were they when state and federal family-planning programs were defunded?

Setting aside their shameful disregard for the rights of women and paternalistic tone, the major problem with so-called "pro-life" advocates is that they want to have their cake and eat it, too.

We cannot deny individuals the knowledge and tools necessary to protect themselves from the risks of sexual intercourse and then penalize or endanger them for the unintended consequences of their behavior.

Rather than talking down to women and assailing their fundamental right to control their bodies, Vanker might want to ponder how conservative policy failings have exacerbated the problem of unintended pregnancies he claims to deplore.

Nathan Triplett
political theory and constitutional democracy and social relations sophomore


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