Sunday, September 22, 2024

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One assembly

ASMSU should streamline organization to save student taxpayers' money, be more efficient

ASMSU is by no means the U.S. Congress. Although some members of MSU's undergraduate student government believe this, it should not deter representatives from restructuring the organization into a single assembly.

Students will benefit from a simplified governmental body. ASMSU is incredibly complicated, with numerous committees and meetings. This causes confusion among the general student body, and most students don't take the time to decipher who represents their college. Less intricacy would streamline the organization to make it more efficient to better serve the students.

Many issues that each assembly addresses overlap, and more time is spent shuttling resolutions and bills between groups than is spent making decisions.

For example, a bill condemning the "Wolverines Pack Fudge" T-shirts was delayed for weeks because it was stuck between assemblies.

Every individual student has to balance academic and social issues, and the governmental body should be the same way. It would be insane, after all, not to mention hilarious, if Joe Undergrad had split personalities about his social life and his studies. The two sides would forever debate about what to do and never get anything done.

The proposal also would save money for ASMSU, eliminating several full-time positions paid for by student taxes.

The savings could be put to use in better programs, such as the noise ordinance forum and advising the university about budget cuts.

The representatives that raised the issue last week also advocated merging the organization with the Residence Halls Association, but that is too much integration.

RHA is for on-campus students. The largest residence hall system in the nation needs its own group for on-campus planning, and allowing RHA representatives to sit on ASMSU assemblies is enough.

ASMSU officials still are debating the issue. Be better than the organization that represents you: Have your voice heard before the issue passes.


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