Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Noisy students hurt E.L. community

I read Jason Coleman's sentiments on East Lansing's dislike of MSU students, "E.L. boycott could create 'U' respect" (SN 11/12), and, at first, agreed. It's a double standard. Then I thought about it and realized East Lansing dislikes the MSU student body as a whole for the exact same reason I'd sooner swallow crushed glass than live in an undergraduate dorm again: MSU undergraduates, as a rule, are loud, rude, obnoxious, disrespectful and generally a royal pain in the butt.

Living in an undergraduate residence hall for two years was hell, and I thank God every single day I'm in Owen Graduate Hall now, where I don't have to worry about it being noisy until 1 a.m. or hearing drunks come in at 5 a.m. Residents of East Lansing experience that same kind of garbage from students who live off campus.

That's why the much-debated noise ordinances were put into effect.

If we, as the MSU student body, want the respect of the community back, we need to start behaving like the adults we want to be treated like instead of whining about how no one likes us and staging a one-day boycott, which will have about as much effect on businesses as catching a bus in Meridian Township, rather than East Lansing.

Cheryl Hopper
zoology junior


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