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Moving on

Spartan fans showed class while cheering; team should continue strong season Saturday

Spartan Stadium is empty, and the fans stopped cheering long ago after this weekend's heartbreaking game, but there is much to be celebrated in East Lansing.

Despite the Spartans' disappointing 27-20 loss to the University of Michigan on Saturday, MSU students and fans should take satisfaction in their responsible cheers and proud displays of school spirit.

With Halloween and the big game back-to-back, this past weekend was a potential time bomb.

But Spartans handled the situation with care, and the result was a fun but nonexplosive weekend-long celebration.

The festivities, both pre- and postgame, never grew out of control. Fans from both sides were fairly hospitable and friendly to each other in the face of the fierce rivalry. Despite the chilly and drizzly weather, the student section in Spartan Stadium was alive with excitement as fans cheered on their teams to the bitter end.

It also was heartening to see that the vast police presence in East Lansing this weekend didn't incite any backlash.

The show of force was similar to the police presence during the men's basketball postseason games last March, but students and fans kept their heads and didn't let the large number of police in cruisers, on horseback and in helicopters be a cause of conflict.

After such an upsetting loss to a rival, the postgame activities easily could have turned destructive. But the Spartans didn't dwell on the defeat and continued to party on peacefully.

The Spartan football team shouldn't take this weekend's loss to heart, either.

The team has had a phenomenal season so far. Getting bitten by the Wolverines might sting a bit because of the rivalry on home turf, but the Spartans should be proud of themselves for fighting so hard and coming so far throughout the entire season.

This weekend's loss wasn't a blowout, either. The Spartans were ranked No. 9 against the then-No. 11 Wolverines, and the green-and-white managed to pull some nice plays during the course of the game.

Both the players and the fans experienced the pain and elation of the game's intense ups and downs throughout the afternoon.

The football team should be commended for its extraordinary efforts this year and for surprising everyone with such a winning season. The team should put this weekend's loss behind itself, keep playing hard and continue to show the consistency it has displayed all season.

The fans also should stay consistent with their mindful and calm cheering for the rest of the season and throughout the year for all sporting events.

Spartan pride is more than wearing green and white - it's respecting the reputation of the university and the property of East Lansing by keeping cool during exciting times.

As for the loss to the Wolverweenies - revenge is sweet, so it only will be that much better when the Spartans beat them senseless the next time around.


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