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MIDDAY UPDATE: Obesity rises in Michigan

November 16, 2003

Across the United States, and especially in Michigan, the problem of obesity is growing at alarming rates.

As state obesity statistics rise, MSU researchers are working to define exactly where the problem lies and what people can do to slow the increase.

In a report published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 56 percent of Americans were overweight or obese in 2000. Among individual states, Michigan ranked second with more than 61 percent.

"The main issue here is that obesity is a risk factor for many chronic diseases, including cancer, diabetes and heart disease," said Jim Pivarnik, a professor in MSU's departments of kinesiology and epidemiology.

But some of the state's obesity issues aren't as prevalent on campus. According to surveys conducted through Olin Health Center, 73 percent of students are at the recommended body mass index, while about 15 percent are at a higher than normal level.

"People are active in college, so they can keep up with strange eating habits," Pivarnik said, adding that students have easy access to intramural sports, aerobics programs and weight rooms. "But what about when they get out of college?

"It's something they should consider thinking about now."


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