Monday, September 23, 2024

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Higher education deserves funding

It is nice to see the early attention that the state appropriations process for higher education is receiving in the media. The future of the state hinges on the continued success of its universities. Education, both K-12 and higher education, are essential components to the state's economy and the goal of a higher standard of living.

Of course, these statements appear quite obvious to us in the higher education community. Unfortunately, these beliefs are not as obvious to others in the state.

Groups across the state will mobilize so as to protect their cherished funding in the year to come, much like what occurred during last year's budget crisis.

For example, revenue sharing: The epitome of governmental waste that pays for such "great" and "necessary" projects as the Hannah Community Center, which students use so frequently, street improvement projects that go unmaintained and pay raises for civic leaders and increases in the size of their staff.

So, civic leaders mobilize the police and fire departments and others through threatening to cut their department's funding and use them as a vehicle for protecting the city's nest egg so more useless projects can be completed.

This mobilization gets attention and results in minimal reductions in state funding. Higher education, on the other hand, has no pretty poster child it can mobilize to protect its funding. Yet, its mission remains at the heart of any successful economy.

Nonetheless, the point is simple: for Michigan to succeed in the future, it needs to invest in the future of education. If the state continues to whittle away at this infrastructure, any hope of positive progress and economic growth will be gone.

Sending a letter is a step in the right direction; nonetheless, it can only go so far.

To be persistent, to be active, to learn from those who have successfully maintained their funding over the years, that is another story.

Matthew Clayson
2003 graduate


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