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Equal rights

Massachusetts Supreme Court ruling step in right direction; Legislatures should follow

As humans, we should all have the same basic rights. Sexual orientation shouldn't hold any basis for how people are treated. We all are made up of the same parts.

Unfortunately, several state legislators don't feel the same way.

Michigan is one of the many states that remain nonprogressive and unwilling to make a decision about the ever-debated topic of gay marriage.

State senators believe they are promoting "strong marriages" with the resolution of the Marriage Protection Amendment, which was proposed in October.

This amendment states that only marriages between a man and a woman should legally be recognized in the Michigan Constitution.

On Tuesday, Massachusetts' highest court ruled 4-3 that the state's ban on same-sex marriage is unconstitutional.

The majority believed "whether and whom to marry, how to express sexual intimacy, and whether and how to establish a family - these are among the most basic of every individual's liberty and due process rights."

Only three state Legislatures, including Vermont, Hawaii and Alaska, have ruled that they have no right to deny marriage to gay couples.

Now that Massachusetts is opening the same door, it would be commendable for other states to follow. States such as Michigan shouldn't have to wait for a court order to change their policies.

Legislators should want to uphold the rights of every citizen they represent, including homosexuals. All humans have the same rights and should not be overlooked. People are not asking for gay marriage to be recognized by a church, but it should be recognized by our government.

After all, the government is supposed to be for the people, by the people. There should be no discrimination.

People who want same-sex marriages deserve to have the same rights and benefits as those who want a heterosexual union.


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